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Resumen de Educación económica y financiera, una solución a la exclusión

Efren Antonio Calderón Saque

  • español

    Durante los últimos años la comunidad internacional viene realizando diferentes acciones encaminadas al establecimiento de una estrategia en educación económica y financiera (EEF), su implementación y actual fortalecimiento tuvo inicio, con la concientización hacia la comunidad acerca de la importancia de la EEF y su aporte a la economia. El viejo continente ha dado las expresiones institucionales más significativas en cuanto a EEF, la creación por parte del CESE (comité económico y Social Europeo) en octubre de 2008 de un Grupo de expertos en educación financiera.

    En otras partes de mundo también existe el deseo por el desarrollo de estrategias encaminadas a la Educación económica y financiera, como la iniciativa a través del Informe de la Organización para la cooperación y el desarrollo económico (OCDE) por medio de la INFE (Red Internacional de Educación financiera) Banco de la Republica de Colombia, FOGAFIN (fondo de garantías financieras) y CAF ( Banco de desarrollo de A.L) sobre políticas públicas y Transformación Productiva”, consistente en una serie de documentos de política orientados a difundir esas experiencias y casos exitosos en América Latina, como un instrumento de difusión del conocimiento que la CAF pone a disposición de los países de la región para la implementación de mejores prácticas en materia de desarrollo empresarial y transformación productiva.

    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general reconocer el aporte de la enseñanza de educación económica y financiera (EEF), en la sociedad colombiana, y donde el gobierno por medio del decreto 457 del 2014 crea el sistema administrativo nacional de educación económica y financiera ( SANEEF) como red de coordinación de las diferentes actividades del sector público y privado en el tema de EEF, a su vez crea la comisión Intersectorial para la educación económica y financiera (CIEEF) como órgano y estamento superior del SANEEF; En el decreto 457 del 2014 se crean las subcomisiones técnicas que estarán encargadas de tratar temas específicos entre funcionarios estatales, representantes del sector privado y de la sociedad civil. A su vez la comisión intersectorial de educación económica y financiera (CIEEF) crea la subcomisión consultiva, como órgano de coordinación con el sector privado.

  • English

    During the past few years the international community has been carrying out actions aimed at establishing a strategy on economic education and financial (EEF), its implementation and current building began, with the awareness to the community about the importance of the EPS and its contribution to the economy. The old continent has given the most significant institutional expressions for EEF, the creation by the EESC (European Social and Economic Committee) in October 2008 by a group of experts in education financial.In other parts of the world there is also the desire for the development of strategies for economic and financial education as the initiative through the report of the Organization for cooperation and economic development (OECD) by means of the lower (international education network financial) Bank of the Republic of Colombia, FOGAFIN (financial guarantees Fund) and CAF (Development Bank of Al) on public policies and transformation Productive", consisting of a series of policy documents aimed at disseminating these experiences and successful cases in Latin America, as an instrument of dissemination of knowledge that CAF puts at the disposal of the countries of the region for the implementation of best practices in enterprise development and productive transformation.The present study general objective is to recognize the contribution of financial and economic education (EPS), in Colombian society teaching, and where the Government through Decree 457 of 2014 creates the national administrative system of economic education and financial (SANEEF) as a network for the coordination of the activities of public and private sector on the issue of EPS, in turn creates the Intersectoral Commission for economic education and financial (CIEEF) as organ and upper stratum of the SANEEF; 2014 Decree 457 creates technical subcommittees that will be responsible for issues specific between government officials, representatives of the private sector and civil society. At the same time the intersectoral Committee on economic education and financial (CIEEF) creates the Advisory Sub-Commission, as a body of coordination with the private sector.The financial inclusion has been one of the main objectives of the financial system, and all strategies are aimed at the inclusion of the society; any project of life, of different nature meets its objectives only if it is accompanied by financial resources, the lack of this has caused serious problems of personal and social, economic and at the same time problems causing loss of dynamism. The non-compliance in the payment of obligations resulting from the misuse of financial resources, and poor suitability for a successful economic context, has contributed to a process of exclusion of the individual, disabling him to attend formal credit and increasing the cost of this.The type of research is qualitative, using a methodology with a period of current time and descriptive scope, was established as population horizon University Foundation and the study population was the last two semesters of the program of engineering in Industrial and occupational hygiene of the University Foundation horizon security.The implementation of the economic and financial education strategy public, seeking the empowerment of the individual through obtaining skills and abilities for the good use of the money in a proper economic context, contributes to the economy national and to the development of society. Dec.31 raising awareness to the student, and to recognize the contribution of the EPS in the curriculum of the institutions with the aim of rescuing the role of education as a trainer and undisputed player in the development of the economy. An individual educated in EPS can deal with any future economic situation

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