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Resumen de Griechisch 'eslapsinisménos' Mark. 15,23

Christoph Koch, Zeus Wellnhofer

  • The contribution discusses the meaning and the origin of the hapax ἐσλαψινισμένος, which is found in a Greek Gospel manuscript of the 12th century of western origin. As a variant to σμυρνίζω (οἶνον) the verb σλαψινίζω must mean a sort of diluting wine with an additive for the purpose of conservation or something similar. The cluster -σλ- identifies the term as a loan-word of – in the case of a Gospel text – hardly other than hebrew or aramaic background. Greek -ψ- ruling out a connection with hebrew שְׂרָף śǝraf “resin”, the solution is to be sought on the side of (plant-based) χολή “gall”, which in the Gospel alternates with σμύρνα as an additive to wine. The phonetical requirements meets hebrew שֶל עַפצִין šel ʿapṣīn oder שֶל אַפצִין šel ʾapṣīn “of gallnuts”, which delivers a stem *σλαψιν- as starting point for the Greek derivation in -ινιζω.

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