Este artigo quere pór de manifiesto a importancia da traducción como instrumento de recuperación e de expansión de obras esquecidas ou voluntariamente silenciadas polo seu contido ou autoría. Así, a teoría da traducción feminista pretende sacar á luz aquelas obras escritas por mulleres que colaboran na reivindicación dun pensamento común en defensa da muller. Analizando concretamente as traduccións de Kathleen March para o inglés das obras máis comprometidas de Rosalía de Castro, descubrimos as estratexias que pon en marcha a traductora para achegar o pensamento feminista rosaliano a un receptor alleo á cultura de orixe, influíndo nel a través dunha intervención ideolóxica.
This article airns to show the significant role of translation as a tool for recovering and spreading forgotten or voluntary silenced works dueto their content or their authorship. The theory of feminist translation intends to revea! those works written by women that collaborate in the vindication of a common thinking in defense ofwomen. Particularly. through the analysis of translations into English of the most socially committed works by Rosalía de Castro made by Kathleen March, we found the translator strategies for approaching Rosalía ferninist ideas to a public foreign to the origin culture, thus influencing them through and ideological intervention. In this way. the translator contributes not only to the creation of a ferninist topic corpus but also to the prornotion ofGalician culture in a foreign literary system.
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