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Resumen de On a bite by Steatoda nobilis (Thorell, 1875) (Araneae: Theridiidae) on a human being, with comments on its handling during the 2020 SARS-COV-2

Eduardo I. Faúndez, Máriom A. Carvajal, Nataly P. Aravena Correa

  • español

    Se reporta un caso de mordedura de la falsa viuda Steatoda nobilis (Thorell, 1875) en Chile. La víctima, una mujer de 33 años, fue mordida en dos ocasiones, presentando dolor irradiante y eritema por 36 horas y síntomas remanentes por los siguientes dos días. Se comenta y discute la sintomatología del caso, así como el manejo del caso por profesionales de la salud durante la pandemia actual de SARS-COV-2.

  • English

    A bite by the false widow Steatoda nobilis (Thorell, 1875) is reported from Chile. The victim, a 33-year-old female was bitten twice, and suffered radiating pain and erythema for 36 hours, with reminiscent symptoms that lasted for the next two days. The symptoms of the bite are commented on; in addition, its handling by health providers during the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is discussed.

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