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Resumen de The relationship between creative tourism and local development: a bibliometric approach for the period 2009-2019

Carlos Alberto Máximo Pimenta, J. Cadima Ribeiro, Paula Cristina Remoaldo

  • English

    More and more people want to travel to destinations expecting to live unique and active tourist experiences, linked to the culture and traditions of the host communities, and interact with local people. In the concept of creative tourism, these dimensions of proximity to residents, of tourists’ participation in the configuration of their own experience and the expression of creativity based on cultural references and attributes of the destination, are present. It is in this context that multiple researchers have been looking to the creative tourism segment as an opportunity for the development of various territories. The aim of this investigation is to identify the relationship which can be found in the literature between creative tourism and local development, using as research method a bibliometric inventory made in scientific databases (Academia. edu, Econlit, Google Scholar, CAPES Journals, Redalyc, Scielo.org, SCOPUS, and Web of Science, among others). In general, it was possible to verify that there is a concern of the authors of the papers analysed in establishing a link between creative tourism and local/regional development, without however going far on this dimension, or at least identifying impact of economic, cultural, social and environmental nature. This way, it seems to be important that future research goes far in the inventory of the hypothesized relationship between the proposals of creative tourism and the benefits it can bring to local communities.

  • português

    O objetivo desta investigação é o de identificar a correlação entre turismo criativo e desenvolvimento local, tendo como método de investigação um levantamento conduzido em várias bases de dados de divulgação da produção científica que vai sendo realizada (e.g., Academia.edu, Econlit, Google Scholar, Periódicos CAPES, Redalyc, Scielo.org, SCOPUS, e Web of Science). De um modo geral, pôde constatar-se a preocupação dos autores encontrados nas bases de dados pesquisadas de estabelecer um vínculo entre turismo criativo e desenvolvimento local/regional. Contudo, não é realizado um grande aprofundamento dessa dimensão e não se insiste na identificação dos seus impactes efetivos, de ordem económica, cultural, social e, também, a nível de sustentabilidade do território. Importa que investigações futuras se debrucem sobre a relação entre as propostas do turismo criativo e os elementos de identidade ligados às comunidades e ao nível local, assim como as transformações que essa forma de turismo promove nessas comunidades.

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