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Resumen de Sino-Mexican Energy Cooperation Opportunities in the Crude Oil Sector in the Context of Energy Reform

Xueting Wang, Daniel Lemus Delgado, Mauricio Cervantes Zepeda

  • español

    This paper analyzes the possibilities of improving Sino-Mexican energy cooperation in the context of Mexican energy reform. To do this, we divided the article into two sections. The first section concerns opportunities for Sino-Mexican energy cooperation considering the economic and energy status of Mexico and its relationship with energy reform. The second section analyzes the challenges of Sino-Mexico energy cooperation in three areas: competition between international energy enterprises, domestic factors in Mexico and the uncertainty of the international energy market. This paper concludes with several suggestions for promoting Sino-Mexico energy cooperation. Oportunidades de cooperación energética entre China y México en el sector petrolero en el contexto de la reforma energéticaEn este artículo se analizan las posibilidades de mejorar la cooperación ener- gética entre China y México en el contexto de la reforma del sector energético mexicano. Para ello, hemos dividido el artículo en dos secciones. La primera se refiere a las oportunidades  de cooperación energética chino-mexicana teniendo en cuenta la situación económica y energética de México y su relación con la reforma energética. En la segunda sección analizamos los retos de la cooperación energética entre China y México en tres áreas: la competencia entre las empresas internacionales de energía, los factores internos en México y la incertidumbre del mercado energético internacional. Este documento concluye con varias sugerencias para promover la cooperación energética entre China y México.

  • English

    This paper analyzes the possibilities of improving Sino-Mexican energy cooperation in the context of Mexican energy reform. To do this, we divided the article into two sections. The first section concerns opportunities for Sino-Mexican energy cooperation considering the economic and energy status of Mexico and its relationship with energy reform. The second section analyzes the challenges of Sino-Mexico energy cooperation in three areas: competition between international energy enterprises, domestic factors in Mexico and the uncertainty of the international energy market. This paper concludes with several suggestions for promoting Sino-Mexico energy cooperation.

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