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Dix mille ans de peuplement humain sur le versant nord des Pyrénées (21000-11000 cal BP) entre unification et régionalisation culturelles

    1. [1] University of Bordeaux

      University of Bordeaux

      Arrondissement de Bordeaux, Francia

    2. [2] Université de Toulouse

      Université de Toulouse

      Arrondissement de Toulouse, Francia

    3. [3] Universitat de Barcelona

      Universitat de Barcelona

      Barcelona, España

  • Localización: Munibe Antropologia - Arkeologia, ISSN 1132-2217, Nº 71, 2020, págs. 59-71
  • Idioma: francés
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Ten thousand years of human settlement in the northern slope of the Pyrenees (21000-11000 cal BP) between cultural unification and regionalisation
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Paleolitikoko azken hamar milurtekoetako giza okupazioek lekukotasun ugari utzi dute Pirinioen ipar-isurialdean barna. Klima-gorabeherek eta haiek ingurumenean izaniko ondorioek baliteke baldintzatu izana altueran dauden zenbait lurralderen ustiapena; aldiz, mendi-oinetako lautadak espazio zabal egokiak izan dira gizakiak egonkortzeko, hala nola izotzetatik apurka-apurka gabetutako ibarren eta erliebeen artean, Akitania aldeko lautada zabaletan, bai eta Atlantikoko zein Mediterraneoko kostaldeetan ere. Orain dela gutxi egindako edo oraindik abian diren lanetatik eta berrikusitako hainbat gako gunetatik abiaturik, ekipamendu litikoek eta hezur-lanabesek izaniko eboluzio nagusiaren laburpen bat proposatzen dugu, baita jokabide originalei buruzkoa ere (ibai-ekonomia, ehiztari txikien kontsumoa), 21.000 eta 11.000 oraina baino lehen. Segmentu kronokultural batzuk eta besteak oso era ezberdinean irudikatzen dira. Ondorio horretatik harago, egoera kontrastatu honen arrazoi posibleak aipatuko ditugu (kokalekuen kontserbazioa, ikerketaren egoera edo populazioaren errealitatea). Azken buruan, asmoa izango da hobeto ulertzea haien aldaerak, eta ikustea zer harreman izan duten Akitaniako arroarekin eta Iberiar penintsulako iparraldearekin, baita Atlantikoko eta Mediterraneoko itsasertzekin ere.

    • English

      From the start of the Magdalenian to the end of the Laborian, ten millennia of human occupation have provided abundant evidence along the north Pyrenean slope. Climatic fluctuations (from GS-2b to GS-1), glacial history and their environmental consequences may have influenced the exploitation of certain altitude territories. In contrast, the foothills seem to have constituted a favourable area between reliefs and valleys gradually freed from ice, the opening Aquitaine plain, the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Based on recently completed or ongoing work, and revised key sites or sets of sites, we propose here a synthesis to review the main changes in lithic and osseous equipment and original behaviours (coastal economy, use of small game) between 21000 and 11000 cal BP. However, the different moments of this evolution are represented in a very uneven way. Beyond that, we will discuss the possible reasons of the statement (conservation of the sites, state of research or settlement data).

      Among the privileged sectors, the Arudy basin is the scene of recent field operations and revaluations of collections. Other sites, such as Belvis, Gouërris, Troubat or Rhodes II, have benefited from PhD research (lithic and bone industries, archaeofauna, chronology, etc.). Data on the early Magdalenian period remain limited. With the exception of certain sites assigned to this period from dates C14 onwards, only the altitude site of Montlleó makes it possible to testify to an increase in altitude as early as post-Late Glacial Maximum period. The Early Middle Magdalenian, mainly documented by ancient excavations, which are difficult to re-evaluate from an archaeostratigraphic point of view, remains poorly understood in the Pyrenees. Nevertheless the presence of certain objects establish links with Aquitaine and the Cantabrian Sea. The Recent Middle and Upper Magdalenian are particularly well documented periods in the Pyrenees. These occupations illustrate, in particular, a development of occupations in the context of often decorated cave bottoms and the anthropization of valleys freed from ice with hunting camp to ibex. The Azilian region has significant regional economic variations with a decline of craftsmanship in the bone industry and a technical simplification of lithic production.

      The Laborian is documented by the revaluation of old series provides evidence of Aquitaine region influences but in stratigraphically complicated contexts. Beyond the question of the unity of the Pyrenean chain between Magdalenian and Laborien, it will finally be a question of better understanding its interactions with the Aquitaine basin and the north of the Iberian Peninsula but also to the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines.

    • français

      Les dix derniers millénaires d’occupation humaine paléolithique ont laissé d’abondants témoignages le long du versant nord-pyrénéen. Si les fluctuations climatiques et leurs conséquences environnementales ont pu conditionner l’exploitation de certains territoires en altitude, le piémont semble en revanche avoir constitué un vaste espace favorable à l’implantation humaine entre des reliefs et vallées progressivement libérées des glaces, l’ouverture de la plaine aquitaine, les littoraux atlantiques et méditerranéens. À partir de travaux récemment aboutis ou en cours, et d’ensembles de sites clés révisés, nous proposons une synthèse sur les principales évolutions des équipements lithiques et osseux et sur des comportements originaux (économie littorale, consommation des petits gibiers) entre 21000 et 11000 cal BP. Les différents segments chronoculturels sont représentés de façon très inégale. Au-delà de ce constat, nous évoquerons les raisons possibles de cette situation contrastée (conservation des sites, état de la recherche ou réalité de peuplement). Il s’agira finalement de mieux comprendre ses variations internes et ses interactions avec le Bassin aquitain et le nord de la Péninsule ibérique mais également avec les rivages atlantiques et méditerranéens.

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