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Resumen de Financial and Actuarial Properties of the Beta-Pareto as a Long-Tail Distribution

Emilio Gómez Déniz, Enrique Calderín Ojeda

  • Undoubtedly, the single parameter Pareto distribution is one of the most attractive distribution in statistics; a power-law probability distribution that is found in a large number of real-world situations inside and outside the field of economics. Furthermore, it is usually used as a basis for excess of loss quotations as it gives a pretty good description of the random behaviour of large losses. In this paper, we provide properties of the Beta-Pareto distribution which can be useful in Economics, and in Financial and Actuarial fields, mainly related to the analysis of the tail of the distribution that makes it a candidate model for fitting actuarial data with extreme observations. As empirical applications two well-known data sources considered in general insurance are used to account for the suitability of the model.

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