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Resumen de A Manichaean Hymn at Oxyrhynchus: A Reevaluation of P.Oxy. 2074

Geoffrey S. Smith

  • Since only three lines later we find the familiar formulaic phrase "You are the one who . . . ," there is no reason to believe that the sentence in which Sophia appears breaks with this pattern. [...]Bonner concludes that Wisdom "is more likely to have been the object of some action of the person addressed as '...', or to have been connected with a '...' sentence by some prepositional phrase. [...]if we bracket Bonner's identification of P.Oxy. 2074 as a fragment from On Truth, sixteen of these works have disappeared without a trace; ancient authors do not quote from them nor do manuscripts of their text survive.24 This state of affairs raises an important question: [...]the "Father" mentioned in this text has a body capable of being clothed. According to Manichaean mythology, the Father of Great29. ness emanates the First Man as part of a company of gods tasked with defending the kingdom of light from darkness's advances.

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