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Resumen de Konposatu metal-organikoen sintesia laborategitik industriako aplikazioetara

Estitxu Echenique Errandonea

  • English

    Promoted by their promising properties metal-organic frameworks have undergone a huge evolution during the last three decades. Not only the academia but also the industry has payed attention to their possible applications. Motivated for this reason, the scaling up of MOFs from lab to industry has become a priority to the industrial world. In this context, this article wants to give an outlook of the factors that have to be taken into account for the implementation of MOFs in industry as well as some of the first applications of MOFs produced at large scale.

  • euskara

    Konposatu metal-organikoen propietate interesgarriak direla eta, azken hiru hamarkadetan material horien ikerketak iraultza handia izan du. Ikerketa-taldeek zein industriak jarri ditu MOFen aplikazio posibleak ikerketaren jomugan. Horregatik, laborategitik industria-mailako ekoizpenera igarotzeko modua ikertzea oso garrantzitsua da ehungintzan eta garraiobideen eta elikagaien industrian. Testuinguru horretan, artikulu honek laborategi-mailako sintesitik industriako ekoizpen handiko sintesira igarotzeko kontuan hartu beharreko faktoreak argitu eta eskala handian produzitutako MOFen lehen aplikazioak aurkeztu nahi ditu.

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