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Resumen de Farmazia-zerbitzu profesional asistentzialak Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAE) farmazietan

Xabier Aizpurua Arruti, Arantxazu Isla Ruiz, María Ángeles Solinís Aspiazu, Begoña Calvo Hernáez, Ana del Pozo Rodríguez, Estibaliz Goyenechea Soto

  • English

    Throughout history, the pharmacy has undergone major transformations. Previously, pharmacy was based on the preparation and dispensing of medicines, but due to the changes in society, the pharmaceutical profession has taken a more care path. Thus, in recent decades the development of pharmaceutical care and healthcare pharmacy has been prompted. Pharmaceutical care can be defined as the pharmac ist’s professional practice of caring for the patient’s needs by detecting, preventing, and resolving drug-related problems in a continu ous, systematic, and documented manner, in collaboration with the patient and other health care professionals to achieve accurate patient quality of life. Related to pharmaceutical care and healthcare pharmacy, Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services (PPCS) have been developed; so that community pharmacies offer a wide range of services to all citizens. Nowadays, in almost every country in the world, new services are being designing and implementing with the aim to also integrate them into the activity of community pharmacy. PPCSs fall currently into two groups.

    On the one hand, the Pharmaceutical Care Services and on the other hand, the Services related to Community Health. A few years ago, and in conjunction with the Basque Pharmacists’ Council, Basque pharmacies began offering PPCSs. These services, as important tools for change in the profession, do not only benefit patients, but also the collective of pharmacists and pharmacists themselves. However, an important ch allenge in promoting healthcare pharmacy is to make patients and other health professionals aware of the benefits of such clinical interventions, and thus to integrate community pharmacy into public health systems.

  • euskara

    Historian zehar, farmaziak eraldaketa handiak izan ditu. Aurretik, farmaziak sendagaien prestaketa eta dispentsazioa zituen oinarri nagusitzat, baina, gizartearen aldaketa dela eta, lanbide horrek bide asistentzialagoa hartu du. Horrela, azken hamarkadetan arreta farmazeutikoaren eta farmazia asistentzialaren garapena sustatu da. Arreta farmazeutikoa pazientearen beharrak artatzeko farmazialariaren praktika profesional gisa defini daiteke, sendagaiekin loturiko arazoak modu jarraituan, sistematizatuan eta dokumentatuan detektatuz, prebenituz eta konponduz, pazientearekiko berarekiko eta osasun-taldeko gainerako profesionalekiko lankidetzan, pazientearen bizi-kalitatea hobetuko duten emaitza zehatzak lortzeko. Arreta farmazeutikoarekin eta farmazia asistentzialarekin lotuak, Farmazia-Zerbitzu Profesional Asistentzialak (FZPAk) sortu dira; farmazia komunitarioak herritar guztiei zerbitzu aukera zabala eskaintzen die. Gaur egun, munduko ia herrialde guztietan zerbitzu berriak diseinatzen eta ezartzen ari dira, eta, aldi berean, farmazia komunitarioaren jardueran txertatu nahi dira. FZPAk bi taldetan sailkatzen dira. Alde batetik, Arreta Farmazeutikoaren Zerbitzuak eta, beste alde batetik, Komunitateko Osasunarekin erlazionaturiko Zerbitzuak. Duela urte batzuk, eta Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAE) Farmazialarien Kontseiluarekin bat eginez, EAEko farmaziak FZPAk eskaintzen hasi ziren. Zerbitzu horiek, lanbidearen aldaketarako tresna garrantzitsua izanik, pazienteei ez ezik, farmazialarien kolektiboari eta farmazialariei eurei ere onurak ekartzen dizkiete. Hala ere, farmazia asistentziala sustatzeko erronka garrantzitsua da pazienteek eta gainerako osasun-profesionalek farmazialarien esku-hartze kliniko horien onurak ezagutzea, eta, farmazia komunitarioa, osasun-sistema publikoetan era sakonago batean integratzea.

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