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Resumen de Silikazko nanopartikula mesoporotsuak biomedikuntzan

Maider Ugalde Arbizu

  • English

    Although mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) have been known for the last century, they have attracted considerable attention during the last decade motivated by their outstanding properties. In fact, these materials possess large surfaces and pore volumes, which make them especially suitable for research in biomedicine. In addition, the aforementioned properties can be modulated which makes these compounds of great advantage over current biosystems. Furthermore, MSNs are optically transparent, chemically inert, mechanically stable, and quite biocompatible. Therefore, the aim of this article is to delve into the properties of these nanoparticles focusing on the field of biomedicine. Moreover, the most studied applications on drug delivery and bioimaging will be analysed.

  • euskara

    Silikazko nanopartikula mesoporotsuak (MSNak) aurreko mendetik ezagutzen diren arren, azkeneko hamarkadan arreta handia bereganatu dute. Material mota hauen propietateak (hala nola, poro-bolumen zein gainazaleko eremu handiak) biomedikuntzaren arloan ikertzeko bereziki aproposak izatea eragin du. Gainera, propietate horiek moldakorrak dira, eta horrek, gaur egungo biosistemen aldean abantaila handiko konposatuak izatea eragiten du. Bestalde, MSNak optikoki gardenak, kimikoki geldoak, mekanikoki egonkorrak eta nahiko biobateragarriak dira. Hori dela eta, artikulu honek nanopartikula hauen propietateak azaltzea eta biomedikuntzaren arloan zentratzea du helburutzat. Azken arlo honetan, gaur egun arteko aplikaziorik aztertuenak azalduko dira; alde batetik, agente terapeutikoen garraioa, eta bestetik, bioirudiak.

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