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Resumen de Gritar en silencio

Nuria Fernández Molina

  • español

    Era viernes y estábamos casi al final de la jornada matutina. Nos encontrábamos en la consulta de neumología, concretamente en la sala de broncoscopias. Nos habían avisado de que desde planta iba a bajar una señora, María. Cuando ésta llegó me di cuenta de que era una conocida de vista, sordomuda, aunque con facilidad para comunicarse, ya que es capaz de hablar y leer perfectamente los labios. Durante el tiempo de la prueba descubrimos que las barreras de comunicación entre los profesionales y las personas a las que atendemos no siempre son debidas al idioma, a veces es una simple mascarilla. Otras veces los sordomudos somos nosotros, incapaces de escuchar y sobre todo de comprender aunque estén gritando en silencio.

  • English

    It was Friday and we were almost at the end of the morning day. We were in the out patient's pheumology department, concretly in the room of broncoscophy. They had informed us that from unit there were going to go down a lady, Maria. When this one came I realized that it was the known one about sight, deaf and dumb, though with facility to communicate, since she is able of speaking and reading perfectly the lips. During the time of the test we discover that the barriers of communication between the professionals and the persons to whom we attend not always are due to the language, sometimes it is a simple mask. Other times the deaf and dumb ones we are we, unable to listen and especially of understanding though they are shouting silently.

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