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Resumen de La recta final de mi vida

Esther Ibáñez Gil

  • español

    Sorprende que sea tan difícil hablar abiertamente sobre la Muerte. Cuando tratamos con pacientes con una enfermedad incurable o terminal a veces preferimos evitar este tema.

    El relato que a continuación narra la protagonista de esta historia pone de manifiesto su vivencia y enfrentamiento ante una enfermedad incurable y la muerte que acontecerá irremediablemente en un periodo de tiempo más o menos largo.

    Desde una mirada tranquila y serena nos cuenta su vida, da rienda a sus sentimientos y emociones que tan difíciles son de expresar habitualmente, detallando cómo se ha sentido ante la información recibida de su enfermedad, pronóstico y cómo le gustaría que fuera su desenlace final llegado el momento.

  • English

    It's surprising how difficult is to speak openly about the Death. When we deal with patients who suffer from an incurable or terminal disease, sometimes we prefer to avoid this topic.

    The report, which the main character of this story is going to narrate, highlights her personal experience and clash in the presence of an incurable disease and the Death which will take place finally in a period of time more or less long.

    From a quiet and calm look she tells us her life, she gives free rein to her feelings and emotions which are very difficult to express usually. Also, she gives the details of how has she felt when she knew all the information about her illness, its prognosis and how she would like her final outcome would be when it had arrived.

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