Neste artigo, a autora fai un percurso polas actividades dramáticas de Ricardo Carvalho Calero. Comeza coa súa primeira obra, escrita en 1934, dentro do programa de modernización e actualización do teatro galego iniciado polas Irmandades da Fala e continuado polo Grupo Nós, a xeración das Vangardas e a do Seminario de Estudos Galegos. Pasa polas obras escritas na soidade da posguerra e os traballos relacionados co teatro escolar en Fingoi, para acabar coas últimas reflexións do autor sobre os pactos da Transición política, en 1980, coa escrita de Os xefes.
This article examines the dramatic activities of Ricardo Carvalho Calero. Its analysis begins by focusing on his first play, written in 1934, within the program of modernization and updating of the Galician theatre, initiated by the Irmandades da Fala, continued by the Nós Group, the subsequent Avant-Garde Generation and the Seminary of Galician Studies. It assesses the works written in the cultural solitude that followed the Spanish Civil War and the works related to school theatre in Fingoi, and concludes by analysing the author’s final reflections on the agreements reached during the political transition following the end of the Franco regime, with the writing of Os xefes [The Bosses] in 1980.
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