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Resumen de Habilidades socioemocionais: da BNCC às salas de aula

Marina Kurotusch Canettieri, Jordana de Castro Balduino Paranahyba, Soraya Vieira Santos

  • português

    O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as bases epistemológicas e os marcos legais que sustentam a concepção de habilidades socioemocionais na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) destinada ao Ensino Médio. A pesquisa teve caráter documental, e durante sua realização também foram analisados 3 (três) materiais de educação socioemocional de editoras brasileiras a fim de melhor compreender como o conceito trazido pela BNCC pode comparecer nas atividades escolares. Além do conteúdo explícito, também foi considerado o contexto sociopolítico que perpassa as temáticas abordadas por tais materiais. Sabendo que a BNCC busca manter a pluralidade dos currículos e a autonomia das escolas, foram apresentados benefícios e riscos da adoção do conceito aberto sobre habilidades sociais e emocionais, e suas possíveis implicações na formação dos educandos e na atuação do professor. Ademais, o trabalho teve por sustentáculo a visão da psicologia escolar crítica e a experiência de outros pesquisadores da área.

  • English

    This project aims to identify the epistemological bases and legal marks that sustain the socioemotional abilities’s conception in Common Core Curriculum directed to High School. The research was made in documentary base and during its execution other three materials of socioemotional education from brazilian publishers were analysed as well in order to better comprehend how the conception established by Common Core Curriculum can be present in scholar activities. Beyond explicit content, it was also considered the sociopolitical context that runs through the thematics brought by these materials. Once known that Common Core Curriculum attempts to maintain the plurality of curriculums and schools’s autonomy, it was shown the benefits and risks of adopting an ample conception of social and emotional abilities and its possible implications on students’s formation and teachers’s work. Moreover, the project had as prop a critical view of scholar psychology, mainly due to the contributions of researchers Patto, Smolka, Lemos e Macedo.

  • français

    This project aims to identify the epistemological bases and legal marks that sustain the socioemotional abilities’s conception in Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) directed to High School. The research was made in documentary base and during its execution other three (3) materials of socioemotional education from brazilian publishers were analysed as well in order to better comprehend how the conception established by BNCC can be present in scholar activities. Beyond explicit content, it was also considered the sociopolitical context that runs through the thematics brought by these materials. Once known that BNCC attempts to maintain the plurality of curriculums and schools’s autonomy, it was shown the benefits and risks of adopting an ample conception of social and emotional abilities and its possible implications on students’s formation and teachers’s work. Moreover, the project had as prop a critical view of scholar psychology and the experience of other researchers in the area.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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