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Resumen de Uso de maquetas del cuerpo humano para facilitar el aprendizaje en el curso de anatomía y fisiología humana en EDP University

Anadeliz Sánchez Román

  • Multiple intelligences are nine abilities in the human beings which allow them to see the world differently. The investigation is focused in discovering techniques that will help facilitate the process of learning and strengthen the intelligences of each individual. A research was conducted to analyze such effect in scale models of human systems. Besides, it was also presented to a group of students taking the course: Anatomy and Human Physiology. Taking into account that a scale model is a physical reproduction in scale of two or three dimensions; something real or fictitious in a reduced size. Concept test were developed on two systems in the human body, they consisted of three skills: memory, identification and analysis. One test was placed to students before making the scale model of the human body and the other one after, while the other test was placed before and after having discussed such human systems without using scale models.The results of the research showed that the students demonstrate better understanding of the human systems when they were taught using scales of the human body, versus those taught by conferences only. When scales were used there was an increase of skills of 23% in memory, 46% in identification and a 38% in analysis. On the other hand students that did not have scale models only increased 17% in memory, 14% in identification and 9% in analysis. Therefore I conclude that there is a correlation between the techniques of evaluation and the process of learning in students. Finally, the use of scale models to teach was effective.

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