Los escritores gallegos Ramón del Valle-Inclán y Wenceslao Fernández Flórez transitaron por sendas literarias en apariencia similares. Sin embargo, su fortuna crítica ha sido dispar, quedando el segundo marginado en el canon español. En este ensayo se proponen algunas hipótesis cuyo desarrollo completo acaso ayude a dilucidar mejor su diferente fortuna crítica. Más allá de aparentes similitudes –de diálogo incluso entre algunos de sus escritos– se aprecian diferencias que han resultado decisivas en su vigencia actual.
Galician writers Ramón del Valle-Inclán and Wenceslao Fernández Flórez shared similar literary journeys. However, their critical success is relatively disparate as the later, Fernández Flórez, has been relegated to a secondary position within the Spanish critical canon. This essay postulates several hypotheses that aim to illuminate the reasons behind the differing receptions between the essential works from these authors. We will be examining their obvious similarities, as some of their works actually establish a dialogue between themselves, alongside their divergences, which are essential for the delivery of new critical approaches.
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