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Resumen de Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of the Collaborative Economy (IRSDACE). National Report: Spain.

Luis Fernando Medina Sierra, Berta Barbet Porta

  • The present document has three goals: first, present an overview of the main legal and regulatory developments regarding the digital platforms; second, reflect the diversity of view that these technologies have generated among the social actors (unions,workers, government and firms) and third, offer a comparative framework to make sense of this diversity and the challenges it presents for labor relations and social dialogue. The institutional response has been so far mainly reactive, giving rise to ambiguities that may generate conflicts in need of resolution. But the structure of the different industries where these platforms have been introduced is such that the workers' experiences, their opportunities and their incentives to organize are all markedly heterogeneous. Given the way in which digital platforms redefine the labor relation between workers and firms, any possible regulation will entail a serious rethinking of key aspects of the welfare state.

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