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Resumen de Outsourcing as a tool of strategic planning in public administration

Petro Mykytyuk, Inna Semenets Orlova, Kateryna Blishchuk, Halyna Skoryk, Tetiana Pidlisna, Liudmyla Trebyk

  • In the context of globalisation, the development of strategic planning becomes possible mainly due to effective asset management, including by concentrating resources on core activities, solving priority key tasks while minimising costs for "supporting" functions. In this regard, increasing the effectiveness of strategic planning in public administration is possible on the way of forming an economically profitable system of interactions, an important place among which is occupied by outsourcing relations. The study aims to develop practical recommendations on the use of outsourcing services to improve strategic planning in public administration. The main results of the work are that it defines the theoretical foundations for strengthening administrative and managerial processes in the public administration system, analyses various approaches to improving the public administration system, and proposes an algorithm for making a decision on the use of outsourcing in the public administration system and recommendations for assessing the practicality of transferring the functions of state bodies to outsourcing. The need to optimise the management strategy and to plan as the main direction of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the public administration system predetermines the high degree of relevance of outsourcing of business processes and necessitates further comprehensive scientific substantiation of methods for its implementation.

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