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Resumen de Patrón de especialización productiva y Valor Añadido en el sistema portuario español

Juan Jose Diaz, José Ignacio Estrán Ramírez

  • español

    Este trabajo estudia la relación entre el patrón de especialización productiva de 27 Autoridades Portuarias (AAPP) españolas y el valor añadido generado durante el periodo 2008-2016. Siguiendo un enfoque multiproductivo, se calcula, en primer lugar, un índice de especialización productiva por puerto y servicio de carga y pasajero. En segundo lugar, se mide el valor añadido bruto a coste de los factores de las AAPP. Finalmente, se analiza la relación entre el valor añadido bruto y el patrón de especialización de cada AP estimando la contribución a la economía de la región realizada por cada uno de los servicios prestados.

  • English

    In addition to being a strategic link in the global transport chain, ports have become important poles of economic activity that contribute significantly to economic development and well-being. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the pattern of productive specialization and the generation of added value of the 27 Port Authorities (AAPP) that are members of the Spanish system during the period 2008-2013.In the first place, the study of the productive specialization is carried out calculating a statistical index of specialization by port and cargo (IEPC), distinguishing the services offered according to the type of merchandise and / or passengers that pass through the port. Thus, and adopting a multiproductive approach to port activity, this paper consider several port service related with the cargo measured in tons: petroleum products, other liquids, solid bulk, general containeraized cargo, general merchandise not containerized and bunkering services. Along with these merchandise traffics, this work includes transit services in passengers with regular transport (PR) and cruise (PC), this being the main novelty in relation to the study of the port specialization pattern.

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