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Resumen de Díceres y decires: diferencias y similitudes en los verbos de la segunda y de la tercera conjugación (-er, -ir) entre gallego y castellano

Xosé Afonso Alvarez Pérez, José Enrique Gargallo Gil

  • This paper is a contrastive study of the inventory of second and third conjugation verbs in Galician (also with reference to Portuguese) and Castilian.

    First, we explain the development of the four Latin conjugations (CANTĀRE, HABĒRE, CURRĔRE, DORMĪRE) into the three in Ibero-Romance (-ar, -er, -ir) and the accidental resolutions leading to convergence or divergence in the second and third conjugations in this linguistic area. Then we examine three broad divisions established on the basis of (a) the coincidence of Galician and Portuguese and their divergence from Castilian, (b) the divergence of Galician from Castilian and Portuguese and (c) the coincidence of Galician and Castilian and their divergence from Portuguese. We look at how Galician grammars and dictionaries deal with these forms, considerations when choosing the standard form, and the preferred solutions in Castilian. The particular cases of caer/caír and decer/dicir and how they are treated in Galician prescriptive grammar (NOMIG) are subjected to a critical analysis based on the relevant data from Atlas Lingüístico Galego (ALGa).

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