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Resumen de Anuncies, víes y tresformaciones patrimoniales na contemporaneidá del xuegu tradicional

Carlos Suari Rodrigue

  • asturianu

    Cola patrimonialización del xuegu motor tradicional como oxetu d’estudiu, esta contribución sofítase nel trabayu etnográficu llonxitudinal realizáu dende 2002 a l’actualidá. Intégrense equí dos alcances d’observación: per un llau, una güeyada xeneral al marcu européu y, per otru, una atención específica y fonda al casu asturianu. L’artículu preséntase en cinco partes principales. La primera d’elles dedícase a un averamientu conceptual al xuegu tradicional y a la so concomitancia cola motricidá y el folclor. La segunda, tercer y cuarta partes, qu’en sen canónicu son les que texen el material empírico y tresnen la discusión del testu, proponen tres visiones estremaes (anque dacuando lligaes evolutivamente) del procesu de patrimonialización del xuegu tradicional: como anuncia, como vía y como tresformación. La quinta parte, que pieslla’l testu, enriestra conclusiones y perspectives de futuru faciendo un apueste por asitiar nel centru de los escenarios de patrimonialización a les comunidaes herederes d’estes manifestaciones tradicionales.

  • English

    The present study examines the phenomenon whereby traditional movement games are turned into part of the cultural heritage. To do so, a longitudinal ethnographic study has been in progress from 2002 to the present. Two aspects have been analysed: on the one hand, there is a general overview of the phenomenon throughout Europe and, on the other, a specific and in-depth analysis of how it manifests itself in Asturias. The article is presented in five main parts. The first takes a conceptual approach to traditional games and their relationship with motor skills and folklore. The second, third and fourth parts present and discuss the empirical material of the text. They therefore propose three different visions (although sometimes evolutionarily linked) of the process of turning traditional games into part of the cultural heritage, that is, as an announcement, as a pathway and as a transformation. The fifth part draws conclusions and outlines future perspectives, which point to the need to place the communities who are the originators of these traditional cultural manifestations at the centre of efforts to preserve and generate heritage.

Fundación Dialnet

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