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Resumen de La integralidad del desarrollo humano a través de los proyectos educativos institucionales

Fabio Losada P.

  • español

    Como el proyecto educativo tiene que responder al reto que nos presenta la nueva Ley General de Educación, que en uno de sus fines nos anuncia que la educación se desarrollara atendiendo “El pleno desarrollo de la personalidad sin mas limitaciones que las que le imponen los derechos de los demás y el orden jurídico, dentro de un proceso de formación integral, físico, psíquico, intelectual, moral, espiritual, social, afectiva , ética , cívica y demás valores humanos". Este sólo fin nos lleva a involucrar la integralidad del desarrollo humano, ya que el fin primordial de los proyectos educativos es lograr la formación integral de los educandos.A través de ellos se pueden proponer nuevos currículos, currículos que propongan un enfoque comprensivo y multidisciplinario, en la cual, cada ciencia debe aportar tanto lo que le es propio de si mismo como de la interacción con los demás; en general, se deben trabajar currículos integradores, lo cual constituye un esfuerzo que exige tanto del trabajo en equipo de los distintos profesionales como de la recuperación del saber popular, como el saber que tiene cierta validez para la comprensión y promoción del desarrollo humano; para ello se podrán organizar con libertad de criterios las áreas fundamentales del conocimiento e introducir asignaturas optativas así como procurar una mayor sintonía entre las áreas de formación y las necesidades regionales o locales, estimulando significativamente la innovación académica.Los proyectos educativos deben de responder a las necesidades del medio y por ende a las necesidades del sujeto; en este caso el alumno, necesidad que debemos verla, no solo como una carencia, sino como una potencialidad.La base fundamental de la integralidad de los currículos y a la vez que respondan a las necesidades del medio debe estar basada en los ejes fundamentales y prácticos del desarrollo humano .

  • English

    Since the educational project has to respond to the challenge presented by the new General Law of Education, which in one of its purposes announces that education will be developed attending "The full development of the personality without more limitations than those imposed by the rights of others and the legal order, within a process of integral formation, physical, psychic, intellectual, moral, spiritual, social, affective, ethical, civic and other human values". This only goal leads us to involve the integrality of the human development, since the primary purpose of educational projects is to achieve the integral education of students.Through them, new curricula can be proposed, curricula that propose a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, in which each science must contribute both what is proper to itself and the interaction with others; In general, integrating curricula should be developed, which is an effort that requires both the team work of different professionals and the recovery of popular knowledge, as well as knowledge that has some validity for the understanding and promotion of human development; For this, the areas can be organized with freedom of criteriafundamental knowledge and introduce optional subjects as well as seeking a greater harmony between the areas of training and regional or local needs, significantly stimulating academic innovation.Educational projects must respond to the needs of the environment and therefore the needs of the subject; in this case the student, a need that we must see, not only as a lack, but as a potentiality.The fundamental basis of the integrality of curricula and at the same time that respond to the needs of the environment must be based on the fundamental and practical axes of human development. As the educational project has to respond to the challenge presented by the new General Law of Education , which in one of its purposes announces that education will be developed attending "The full development of the personality without more limitations than those imposed by the rights of others and the legal order, within a process of integral, physical training, psychic, intellectual, moral, spiritual, social, affective, ethical, civic and other human values. "This only goal leads us to involve the integrality of human development, since the primary purpose of educational projects is to achieve the integral formation of learnersThrough them, new curricula can be proposed, curricula that propose a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, in which each science must contribute both what is proper to itself and the interaction with others; In general, integrating curricula should be developed, which is an effort that requires both the team work of different professionals and the recovery of popular knowledge, as well as knowledge that has some validity for the understanding and promotion of human development; For this, the areas can be organized with freedom of criteriafundamental knowledge and introduce optional subjects as well as seeking a greater harmony between the areas of training and regional or local needs, significantly stimulating academic innovation.Educational projects must respond to the needs of the environment and therefore the needs of the subject; in this case the student, a need that we must see, not only as a lack, but as a potentiality.The fundamental basis of the integrality of the curricula and at the same time that they respond to the needs of the environment must be based on the fundamental and practical axes of human development.

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