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Resumen de El lego serious play como herramienta para solucionar problemas sociales. Estudio con alumnos de administración de empresas

Gustavo Villamizar Acevedo, Julio Enrique González Ambrosio

  • español

    Resolver problemas es una de las actividades centrales de ser humano y se manifiesta en tareas tanto laborales como lúdicas. Con el objetivo de conocer laeficacia del Lego Serious Play (LSP), herramienta que consta de una serie de piezas, que deben ser ensambladas hasta crear un modelo inicialmente concebido en la mente. Se realizó una investigación experimental, para ello se trabajó con 14 estudiantes de primer semestre de la Facultad de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Bucaramanga (UPB), de la primera cohorte del 2013, nueve hombres y cinco mujeres, con una edad promedio de 18.2 años, con una desviación de 1.26. Este grupo se dividió en dos subgrupos, experimental y control. El experimental con seis estudiantes (cuatro hombres, dos mujeres, edad promedio 18.2 años) y el control con ocho (cinco hombres, tres mujeres, edad promedio 18.3 años). Con el grupo experimental se trabajó con el LSP y con el otro con lápiz y papel. El análisis de los resultados, permitió dar cuenta que el trabajo con el LSP generó mayor cantidad de situaciones problemáticas así como soluciones a los mismos que los del modelo de lápiz y papel. Los resultados obtenidos dejan ver la utilidad de esta herramienta en el ámbito escolar para el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas que permite solucionar problemas.

  • English

    Problem solving is conceived as one of the essential activities performance by human beings which is evi-denced in tasks, that is, work setting activities as well as playful. In order to comprehend the effectiveness of Lego Serious Play, it is explained as activities related to a set of pieces that should be assembled to create pre-conceived patterns, which comes from the creativity of players. This preliminary research was carried out with a group of fourteen business administration freshmen students from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, in Bucaramanga, Colombia. The first cohort took place in 2013, there were nine men and five women, and their av-erage of age was 18.5 with a deviation of one 1.26. This sample group was dived into two groups: The both were named Experimental and control, the participants of the experimental group were six students , four men and two women whose average of age was 18.2, the participants of the control group were eight students, five men and three women, their average of age was 18.3 Afterwards the experimental group worked with the Lego serious play, simultaneously the control group worked with piec-es of paper and pencils. After have analyzed the results, researchers of this work, found by working with the Lego Serious Play it has created a largest number of problem-atic situations as well solutions which were found by the mentioned groups, results have demonstrated these tools can be applied in scholar contexts in order to de-velop cognitive skills that allow solving problems.

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