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Resumen de Integración teoría y práctica de enfermería en el cuidado de pacientes oncológicos

Karol Johanna Briñez Ariza

  • español

    Las enfermeras de oncología participan en la promoción de la salud, la prevención de la enfermedad, la detección precoz, la atención de la supervivencia, la formulación de diagnósticos de enfermería lo que permite orientar intervenciones coherentes con la teoría aplicada.

  • English

    The importance of the intersection of components such as theory, research and practice are fundamental for the understanding and approach of nursing care phe-nomena in the person with an oncological diagnosis. Objective: to identify in the scien-tific nursing literature the application of nursing theories in the practice of caring for the person with an oncological diagnosis. Materials and methods: descriptive study of inte-grative review, literature search was performed in databases: Science Direct, Academic Search complete, Ebsco, with filters by year, language and keywords in the first semester of 2018. Results: 553 were identified Possible articles, 8 of them were included (articles with the use of various nursing theories such as: unpleasant symptoms, self-transcen-dence, care for well-being, human care, self-care, uncertainty, transitions, coping, stress and cognitive processes, crisis, health belief model and dynamic model of the symptom). Discussion: nursing has used different disciplinary theories to address the phenomena of its interest in people with different types of cancer in the world, which shows that they facilitate understanding and care, however, not all interventions are supported by a the-oretical reference , it is still scarce. Conclusions: Oncology nurses participate in health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, survival care, formulation of nursing di-agnoses, which allows guiding interventions consistent with applied theory

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