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Resumen de Afrodescendencia negada: ocultamiento del ser y apropiación del aporte negro en Chile. Una aproximación histórico-musical

Daniel Domingo Gómez

  • This article aims to address how the structure of the Chilean Nation-State was supported by an Eurocentric perspective of knowledge that helped legitimize the exclusion of the black contribution to the music and culture of the nation. In order to do so, we will analyse the historic-musical production from a number of intellectuals, historians and musicians that from the end of the 19th century to the early 1980s were key to rejecting, underestimating and appropiating every non-European element from the Chilean culture. Ultimately we defend, along with new musicology and current historiography, the critical rereading of the canonical narratives that are helping re-emergence peolples and cultural multiethnic manifestations that were up until then silenced

Fundación Dialnet

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