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Resumen de The use of cctv in the assessment of teacher effectiveness

A.E. Cartmell

  • The insistence of educational technologists on the setting and achieving of objectives has brought into sharp relief the need for effective as well as efficient teacher behaviour. This, in turn, has given a new impetus to classroom observation studies. At the same time, the development of educational “hardware” has enabled these studies to be carried out without the disruptive effects of the observer in the classroom. One example of this “ hardware “ is the CCTV system with a VTR which is used in this study to assess the teaching effectiveness of a sample (N=60) of trainees on a military instructional technique course. One of the practice lessons taught by each of the trainees was recorded on video tape and subsequently analysed. The anaylsis showed that it was possible to identify and count some or all of 33 different teacher behaviours on each of the tapes. When the sample was divided into three criterion groups in terms of the mark given to the CCTV lesson—top 30 per cent., middle 40 per cent., and bottom 30 per cent.— it was found to be possible to delineate the teacher behaviour of each group. The behaviour characteristic of the top 30 per cent, group is given and interpreted three‐dimensionally in terms of task activities, classroom climate and effectiveness. The biographical details of the sample were also examined and those typical of the top 30 per cent, are given.

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