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Resumen de Laugarren eraldaketa korporatibismoaren aurrean. Mexikar neokorporatibismoari eginiko lege erreformen eduki eta mugak

Germán Setién Escamendi

  • English

    Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s victory in the presidential elections in 2018, as a result of an over whelming support to his message of transformation of the country, places the new President and the political movement that accompanies him facing the need to drive reforms which concerns the core of the political system that has prevailed for eight decades in Mexico.

    The mutation of the corporative model that occurred during the 1980s through the implementation of neoliberal policies led to a corporative praxis in which majority unionism supported measures to liberalize the economy promoted by the PRI and PAN governments, which beat workers and the popular strata of the population in exchange for maintaining the corporate model. Model in which trade union leaders continued to hold privileged and influential positions on political power.

    The reversal of neoliberal policies necessarily implies the modification of the conditions that allow the continuity of the neocorporative system. The depth and extent of the changes in this area will mark the scope of the transformation of the country.

  • euskara

    Herrialdea eraldatzeko mezuak jasotako babesari esker 2018ko hauteskunde presidentzialetan lortutako garaipenak, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador presidente berria eta ordezkatzen duen mugimendu politikoa, Mexikon 8 hamarkadatan nagusi izan den sistema politikoaren muinari erreformak egiteko beharrean kokatzen dute. 80eko hamarkadan mexikar eredu korporatiboak aldaketa ezagutu zuen politika ekonomiko neoliberaletan oinarritutako neurrien ezarpenaren ondorioz. Praxi korporatibo berrian, mexikar sindikalgintza hegemonikoak langile eta herri sektoreen bizi baldintzak kolpatu arren, PRI eta PAN alderdiek bultzatutako neurri neoliberalak babesten zituen, lidergo sindikalen posizio pribilegiatu eta influentzia politikoa mantentzearen truke. Politika ekonomiko neoliberalak atzean utzi nahi izanez gero, ezinbestekoa da mexikar sistema neokorporatiboa ahalbideratzen duten baldintzak eraldatzea. Zentzu horretan hartuko diren neurrien sakontasuna eta hedapenak ezaugarrituko du “laugarren eraldaketa”.

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