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Resumen de Original Depositional Slope Estimation of Subaqueous Clinoforms in Cenozoic Deposits

Guoqi Song, Xinong Xie, Xuebin Du, Shanshan Tian

  • The morphology of depositional clinoforms, such as continental slope and delta clinoforms, can help toidentify depositional process interplaying sediment delivery and original relief (or accumulation). However, theoriginal depositional slope in those clinoforms is not estimated accurately because of overload and compaction ofoverlying deposits, even structural distortion. In this paper, we propose a fairly new approachcombined withbackstripping and forward methods to calculate the original slope of clinoforms. Two cases from shelf-edge clinoformin northern South China Sea and delta clinoform in the Dongying depression of East China are discussed. Theresults show that continental slope gradients in the Qiongdongnan basin range from 1.4° to 6.5°. In the area withrelative steep slope gradients, a large number of gravitationally-driven faults, slumps, and erosional surfaces developdue to deficient sediment supply and erosional slope environments. Hence, estimation of original slope angle indepositional clinoforms can help to identify the geological process of continental margins.

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