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Resumen de Modular Science Kit as a support platform for STEM learning in primary and secondary school

Renato Rogosic, Benjamin Heidt, Juliette Passariello Jansen, Saga Björnör, Silvio Bonni, David Dimech, Rocio Arreguin Campos, Joseph Lowdon, Kathia L. Jiménez Monroy, Manlio Caldara, Kasper Eersels, Bart van Grinsven, Thomas J. Cleij, Hanne Diliën

  • The need to develop interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills in young pupils has driven many educational systems to include STEM as a subject in primary schools. In this work, a science kit aimed at children from 8 to 14 years old is presented as a support platform for an innovative and stimulating approach to STEM learning. The peculiar design of the kit, based on modular components, is aimed to help develop a multitude of skills in the young students, dividing the learning process into two phases. During phase 1 the pupils build the experimental setup and visualize the scientific phenomena, while in phase 2, they are introduced and challenged to understand the principles on which these phenomena are based, guided by a handbook. This approach aims at making the experience more inclusive, stimulating the interest and passion of the pupils for scientific subjects.

Fundación Dialnet

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