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Resumen de Indicadores de sustentabilidade em agroecossistemas: um estudo bibliométrico das principais publicações

Caroline Viganó, Marcio Gazolla, Cristiane Tonetto Godoy

  • español

    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una matriz de indicadores de sostenibilidad utilizados en la evaluación de agroecosistemas. Para esta construcción, se realizó una investigación bibliográfica bibliográfica en revistas nacionales con Qualis entre A1 y B2 en el área de evaluación de Planificación / Demografía Urbana y Regional (PUR). En este sentido, se encontró una matriz con diecinueve (19) artículos científicos y un total de ciento treinta y dos (132) indicadores utilizados para evaluar la sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas. De estos, sesenta y un (61) indicadores corresponden a la dimensión social, veintitrés (23) a la dimensión económica y cuarenta y ocho (48) a la dimensión ambiental. La matriz elaborada en este artículo puede servir como una herramienta de consulta para trabajos futuros que utilizan indicadores de sostenibilidad en agroecosistemas para investigaciones y, también, para instrumentalizar a actores y gestores públicos, ya que estos indicadores pueden ser seguidos por ellos en acciones locales / regionales.

  • English

    This article aims to present a matrix of sustainability indicators used in the evaluation of agroecosystems. For this construction, a bibliographic bibliographic research was carried out in national journals with Qualis between A1 and B2 in the Urban and Regional Planning / Demography (PUR) evaluation area. In this sense, a matrix with nineteen (19) scientific articles and a total of one hundred and thirty-two (132) indicators was used to assess the sustainability of agroecosystems. Of these, sixty-one (61) indicators correspond to the social dimension, twenty-three (23) to the economic dimension and forty-eight (48) to the environmental dimension. The matrix elaborated in this article can serve as a consultation tool for future works that use sustainability indicators in agroecosystems for investigations and, also, provide tools for public actors and managers, since these indicators can be followed by them in local / regional actions.

  • português

    This article aims to present a matrix of sustainability indicators used in the evaluation of agroecosystems. For this construction, a bibliographic bibliographic research was carried out in national journals with Qualis between A1 and B2 in the Urban and Regional Planning / Demography (PUR) evaluation area. In this sense, a matrix with nineteen (19) scientific articles and a total of one hundred and thirty-two (132) indicators was used to assess the sustainability of agroecosystems. Of these, sixty-one (61) indicators correspond to the social dimension, twenty-three (23) to the economic dimension and forty-eight (48) to the environmental dimension. The matrix elaborated in this article can serve as a consultation tool for future works that use sustainability indicators in agroecosystems for investigations and, also, provide tools for public actors and managers, since these indicators can be followed by them in local / regional actions.

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