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Resumen de An Evaluation Of Successful Aging Levels Of Nursing Home Residents

Emir Ibrahim Isik, Ayse Inel Manav, Saliha Bozdogan Yesilot

  • español

    Este estudio descriptivo se realizó con base al modelo de Rowe y Kahn. Para obtener datos de los participantes de usaron los siguientes índices;; Índice de Bienestar Personal-Adulto, Katz Index, Examen Estandarizado del Estado Mini-Mental, Escala de conectividad social, Timed Up and Go Test, Escala Berg Balance y prueba de fuerza de empuñadura. Se comprobó que eran puntajes promedio de Índice de Bienestar Personal-Adulto, Katz index, Examen Estandarizado del Estado Mini-Mental, Escala de conectividad social, Timed Up and Go Test, Escala Berg Balance 51.68 ± 18.60, 5.53 ± 1.38, 23.57 ± 3.02, 25.23 ± 8.89, 16.10 ± 8.81 y 43.48 ± 17.23, respectivamente. Los participantes padecían enfermedades crónicas y diabetes, que afectan negativamente el envejecimiento exitoso y la funcionalidad física, respectivamente. Los participantes también tenían las siguientes características: funcionalidad cognitiva vulnerable, alto riesgo de caída, bienestar personal superior al promedio que puede afectar positivamente el envejecimiento en términos de compromiso con la vida y conexión social.

  • English

    This study was conducted to evaluate the successful aging levels of nursing home residents.This descriptive study was conducted based on Rowe and Kahn’s model. The following was used to obtain data from the participants; Personal Well-Being Index-Adult, Katz Index, Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination, Social Connectedness Scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Berg Balance Scale and Handgrip Strength Test.Participants’ mean scores of Personal Well-Being Index-Adult, Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living, Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination, Social Connectedness Scale, Timed Up and Go Test, Berg Balance Scale were found to be 51.68±18.60, 5.53±1.38, 23.57±3.02, 25.23±8.89, 16.10±8.81 and 43.48±17.23, respectively.Participants had chronic disease incidence and diabetes, adversely affected successful aging and physical functionality, respectively. Participants also had the following characteristics: vulnerable cognitive functionality, high fall risk, above average personal well-being that may positively affect aging in terms of life engagement, and social connectedness.

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