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Resumen de Reactivación intraplaca de un relieve apalachiano: las Sierras de Guadalupe y Montánchez

José Antonio Álvarez Gómez, Alfonso Muñoz Martín, Gerardo de Vicente Muñoz, Ramón Vegas Martínez

  • In this work, we reconcile structural data analysis with géomorphologie observations to better constrain the morphotectonic evolution of the Guadalupe and Montánchez intraplate ranges located in western central Iberia. Fault slip data analysis and geological mapping suggest a global episode of uplift and northwest tilting during Pliocene times. The Hercynian basement was then uplifted by a NW verging thrust developing Plio-Quaternary syntectonic alluvial fans "Raña deposits". The present-day landscape of these ranges should be interpreted as a result of the interaction of (neo) tectonic forcing and longitudinal fluvial erosion.

Fundación Dialnet

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