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Resumen de Datación magnetoestratigráfica de los dinosaurios del Cretácico terminal (Maastrichtiense superior) de Arén (Huesca, Unidad Surpirenaica Central)

Oriol Oms Llobet, José Ignacio Canudo Sanagustín

  • The Maastrichtian Arén dinosaur sites embrace rich and diversified localities, what allows studying the changes that affected terrestrial faunas at the end of the Cretaceous in Europe. The studies in progress allow us recognized teeth and bones of three taxa of Hadrosauria and eight morphotypes of Theropora. Accurate age determination of Arén dinosaur sites (Blasi 1 to 4) has also been carried out trough a magnetostratigraphic study of the section that has been correlated with the standard geomagnetic time scale after the available biostratigraphic data (planktic foraminifera). The lower half of the section (part of Arén 3 marine sequence) falls within a normal polarity span, whereas in the upper half (continental red beds) a polarity reversal (base of chron c29r) is found. Thus, Blasi 4 and 5 would be around the base of chron c29r (ca 65.6 Ma) whereas Blasi I to 3 would fell with in the upper part of chron c30n (i.e., slightly older than 65.6 Ma and far younger than 68.7).

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