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Resumen de Análise interpretativa do planejamento de contingências em malha cicloviária

Miguel Abdala, Felipe Lustosa Leite, Hernando Borges Neves Filho

  • English

    Urban mobility has been a major concern in politics, urbanism and sustainable development.

    Debates on how to implement public policies that can address such problems and provide sustainable development in its environmental, economic and social dimensions are central in how to design and implement policies. In today western societies, private automobiles usually are a preferred mean of transportation in large and small urban centers, mainly because its use benefits the individual in terms of comfort, privacy and autonomy. One alternative to automobiles is mobility using bicycles, which gained popularity in several cities in countries such as Colombia, France, Denmark and the Netherlands. Fortaleza, located in the northeastern state of Ceará, Brazil, has based its strategies on the ones implemented in Bogotá, Colombia and some cities in France, which also presented positive results in using bicycles as basic transport. Here we conduct a behavior-analytic interpretation of public policies of Fortaleza regarding bicyclelane and bicyclepath installation. The contingencies were extracted using documents elaborated by Fortaleza’s Immediate Action Plan for Transport and Transit (PAITT, from its name in Portuguese) that desbribed the infrastructure, it’s legal aspects and some of its impacts. The interventions could be understood as an attempt to program concurrent schedules to increase bicycle use as transport and make car use more difficult, even though this programming has its flaws. It is expected that bicyclelanes acquire discriminative functions, controlling cycling behavior positioned in specific parts of the street, avoiding accidents and reaching destinations quicker. Also, it is expected to affect car driving behavior in a similar fashion in order that cyclers do not get run over and automobile drivers avoid monetary fines. We discuss necessary adjustments in the interventions implemented and the need for thorough empiric assesments of the effects of bicyclelanes and bicyclepath on cycling behavior and, broadly, on urban mobility and sustainable development. Additionaly a brief discussion is made about the importance of behavioral data on designing and implementing public policies and urban infraestructure.

  • português

    Este trabalho analisa, por meio de interpretação analítico-comportamental, a instalação de ciclofaixas e ciclovias. A partir da descrição destas cicloinfraestruturas em documento do Plano de Ações Imediatas de Transporte e Trânsito de Fortaleza (PAITT), foi realizada uma análise de contingências relativas ao seu planejamento e instalação, de modo a identificar a potencial efetividade para afetar comportamentos-alvo. Observou-se que as intervenções em infraestrutura ciclável buscam programar esquemas concorrentes para tornar mais frequente a adoção da bicicleta como meio de transporte e dificultar o uso de carros. Espera-se que as ciclofaixas exerçam função de estimulação discriminativa que controle o posicionamento do ciclista na via, evitando acidentes e acelerando deslocamento, e do motorista, para que não atropelem ciclistas nem seja multado. Discute-se ao final o papel do comportamento e seu entendimento no desenho de políticas públicas e na implantação de infraestrutura urbana.

Fundación Dialnet

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