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Resumen de Los inventarios de puntos de interés geológico: análisis comparativo de diferentes casos en España

Luis Carcavilla Urquí, Jerónimo López Martínez, Juan José Durán Valsero, María P. Berrio, Beatriz Arrese González

  • Inventories of points of geological interest are a common way of undertaking geological heritagestudies. Characteristics of the study area, including size and geodiversity, are relevant aspects to beconsidered for selecting points of geological interest. Possibilities and limitations in the selection ofpoints of geological interest at different administrative and geographical scopes (provincial, regional, municipal and natural unit) corresponding to different Spanish provinces (Albacete, Huesca,Madrid and Guadalajara) are compared in this work. The importance of such factors as workingscale, boundary criteria of the study area, inventory elements typology, points of interest selectionsystem, and, in general, the objective and context of the study, as well as the application to be givento the inventory, becomes relevant when inventorying.A comparative approach is carried out on the possibilities and limitations appearing in the processof selection of points of geological interest at a different administrative and geographical level (natural, regional, provincial, and municipal) within different provinces of Spain (Albacete, Huesca,Madrid and Guadalajara).

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