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Resumen de Study on the relationship between physical activity and the development of professional competence: Findings from a study in Ukraine

Javier Cachón Zagalaz, María Sánchez Zafra, Amador Jesús Lara Sánchez, María Luisa Zagalaz Sánchez, Daniil Shmatkov

  • The search for motivation for physical activity is always relevant, competitive advantages in the labour market are one of type of such motivation. This article presents the application of the developed method for identifying professionally important qualities as components of a student’s competency levels and their physical activity levels. 314 Ukrainian students, 442 of their parents and 104 professionals who have subordinates in the fields of education and technology were reviewed. We have detailed well-known studies in the field of professionally important qualities. In spite of this, it has been identified that professionals in general are mildly interested in the qualities obtained through a student’s physical activity. Wherein the lower r value between the weight of qualities mentioned by the athletes and their parents in comparison with the r value between the weight of qualities mentioned by non-athletes and their parents reveals an increased social mobility rate of athletes.

Fundación Dialnet

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