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Resumen de Accounting and analysis of equipment overhaul costs

Iryna Babich, Alina Sheludchenkova, Valentyna Borkovska, Nina Tsegelnik, Оlga Grytsay

  • The article proposes to consider the theoretical and methodological foundations of accounting and analysis of equipment overhaul costs. The study of the literature showed that it is necessary to develop recommendations for improving accounting and analysis in real situations at the enterprise. For equipment that needs repair abroad, the authors suggest not to sell it as non-working (scrap metal), but to export and repair it abroad. The procedure for accounting for equipment repair costs abroad is proposed. To improve the analysis of equipment overhaul costs, the authors proposed an algorithm for equipment overhaul cost analysis, which will provide a balanced and reasonable cost estimate. To obtain relevant information for this analysis, the authors have formed requirements for sources of information for financial and economic analysis of non-current assets. The developed proposals will allow companies to improve accounting and analysis of equipment overhaul costs, which in turn will lead to cost savings and strengthen the company's competitive position.

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