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Resumen de Edición educativa e normalización

Manuel Bragado Rodríguez

  • galego

    Un percorrido pola lexislación educativa e a edición de materiais en galego dende os tempos da transición ata a actualidade para valorar o seu peso na galeguización do ensino. A elaboración de libros de texto e outros materiais didácticos por parte do profesorado, o esforzo editorial ante as cambiantes normativas lexislativas e lingüísticas debe enfrontarse no momento actual ao reto da hibridación.

  • English

    A journey through educational legislation and the publication of materials in Galician from the times of transition to the present day to assess their weight in the Galicianisation of teaching. The elaboration of textbooks and other didactic materials by the teaching staff, the publishing effort in the face of the changing legislative and linguistic regulations has to face the challenge of hybridization at the present time.

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