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Resumen de Caso 3: A viaxe dos lobos artísticos: Grupo vincular

Carlos Díaz Marcelo, Laura Ciudad Gallardo, María Jesús Cutillas Poveda

  • galego

    Resulta ás veces moi complicado poñer en palabras o facer psicoterapéutico, máis aínda se é posible na psicoterapia grupal. Neste relato clínico que presentamos cremos que pode verse parte deste traballo dunha maneira bonita, profunda e didáctica, grazas á enorme habilidade dos membros do noso grupo. Xunto a nós, os terapeutas, eles son autores deste traballo.

    Describimos unha parte dun traballo en psicoterapia grupal, como o feito de poder captar un emerxente posibilita unir a historia vertical de cada un coa horizontalidade do grupo.

    Factores existenciais universais forman parte desta e de todas as historias, xa que non hai nada máis universal que o persoal.

    Este traballo, a modo de obxecto transicional, inclúese ademais na etapa final do grupo onde varios dos seus membros se despiden.

  • English

    Sometimes it is very difficult to put psychotherapeutic practice into words, even more so in group psychotherapy. In this clinical report that we present, we believe that you can see the part of this work in a beautiful, profound and didactic way thanks to the enormous ability of the members of our group. Along with the therapists, they are the authors of this work.

    We describe a part of a work in group psychotherapy, how being able to capture an emergent makes it possible to combine the vertical history of each one with the horizontality of the group. Universal existential factors are part of this and all stories, since there is nothing more universal than the personal. This work, a transitional object mode, also includes in the final stage of the group where several of its members say goodbye.

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