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Resumen de The battle exhortation in Byzantine historiography (10th-12th centuries)

Savvas Kyriakidis

  • español

    Este artículo estudia la función de las arengas de combate que encontramos en las obras de los historiadores bizantinos, que en ocasio - nes presentan discursos militares dirigidos a grandes masas de soldados listos para entablar combate. El análisis de los lugares comunes presentes en estas obras conduce a conclusiones útiles acerca de las ideas bizantinas sobre el caudillaje militar y la moral.

  • English

    This paper focuses on the function of battle exhortations that are found in the works of Byzantine historians, who on occasion have military leaders address large audiences of soldiers who were ready to engage in battle. The analysis of the topoi that can be found in these works lead to useful conclusions regarding Byzantine ideas about military leadership and morale.

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