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Resumen de Reality of Hypertensive Patients from the Uruguay River Coast Assisted by Specialists in Cardiology (Río Uruguay Registry I)

Ezequiel Forte, Ana Constanza Lagos, Carlos Pedroza, Schnyder Ezequiel, Federico Graziano, Juan Navarro

  • español

    Antecedentes: La hipertensión (HTN) es uno de los principales factores que aumentan la "carga" de la enfermedad aterosclerótica.Objetivo: Analizar las características, el tratamiento y el grado de control en pacientes (p) atendidos por cardiólogos.Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 13 consultorios de cardiología.Resultados: Se enrolaron 519p en 3 meses, hombres 44.9%, edad 61.5 años, tiempo HTN 11.2 años, enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) 24%, BP promedio 133/ 79.8 mmHg. Entre los pacientes sin ECV el 73% tenían riesgo bajo (<10%). El 39.1% recibía dos drogas, 26.8% tres, 24.7% uno, 7.9% cuatro y 1.35% cinco drogas. Finalmente, el 60,5% de la p estaba en el objetivo de BP (TA <140/90 mmHg).Conclusiones: En pacientes con HTN evaluados en nuestra área geográfica, observamos pacientes de bajo riesgo, con un alto uso de combinaciones farmacológicas. El 60% de ellos logran el objetivo de BP.

  • English

    Background: Hypertension is one of the main factors that increase the “burden” of atherosclerotic disease.Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics, treatment and degree of control in patients treated bycardiologists in our area of influence.Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 13 cardiology offices analyzing hypertensive patients’ clinicalcharacteristics, blood pressure and pharmacological treatment.Results: A total of 519 patients with the following characteristics were enrolled during a 3-month period: 44.9% were men,mean age was 61.5 years, the spell of hypertension was 11.2 years, 24% of patients had cardiovascular disease and mean bloodpressure was 133/79.8 mmHg. Among patients without cardiovascular disease, 73% had low cardiovascular risk (<10%). Hypertensivetreatment showed that 39.1% of patients were receiving two drugs, 26.8% three, 24.7% one, 7.9% four and 1.35%five drugs. Finally, 60.5% of patients was within the target blood pressure (<140/90 mmHg).Conclusions: Hypertensive patients evaluated in our geographical area presented low cardiovascular risk and high use ofpharmacological combinations. Pressure targets were achieved in 60% of cases.

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