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Resumen de Tra 'struttura' e 'congiuntura': l’Impero spagnolo di età moderna in alcuni recenti lavori

Maria Anna Noto

  • Starting from analysis of some recent publications, this article intends to reflecton the origin and evolution of historiographic concepts and categories which, in recentdecades, have become important instruments of investigation and interpretation forstudies on the Spanish Monarchy between the 16thand 17thcenturies. The constantand fruitful dialogue between Italian and Spanish historiography has enriched thepanorama of research on forms and spaces of power within the vast imperial complexof Austrias, on government practices, on relations between the center of Madrid andthe various Reinos belonging to the Crown. The reconstruction of historical events andsocial-political dynamics has benefited from terms and concepts that have provideda significant contribution in terms of decoding and framing, offering useful pointsof reference in a problematic and comparative key and keeping the scientific debatelively, constructive and always current

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