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Resumen de Investigando las inundaciones periódicas y sus efectos en la Educación Secundaría. Aplicación a la Rambla de las Ovejas (Alicante)

José Lillo Beviá

  • A simple geometric-mathematical model is applied to the understanding of floods and their effects, by its application to the Rambla de las Ovejas (near Alicante city, Spain) that took place on 20th October 1982. The process followed with students of Secondary Education is explained here, inserting it in a Global Science Literacy outline, by the application of a methodology of guided investigation that supposes a sequence of activities for the resolution of the problems derived from the proposed investigation. The application of this model shows us that the students learn to be aware o f global problems better if they start from the local ones and use the new technologies in order to understand and classify floods as a global problem.

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