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Resumen de La Formación Calizas glauconíticas de Crevillente

José Enrique Tent Manclús, Alfonso Yébenes Simón, Antonio Estévez Rubio

  • The Crevillente glauconitic limestone Formation is a mottled intraclastic crinoidal limestones with abundant glaucony grains that when altered has a reddish colour; Early - lowest Upper Pliensbachian in age. It is divided, from the bottom to the top, in three members: a) Pas del Soldat glauconitic limestones, b) Campanar cherty glauconitic limestones, and c) Algüeda glauconitic calcarenites. This unit is bounded by two discontinuities, the lowest one is interpreted as produced by the onset of listric faults and the upper one marks the end of the basins formed on top of the hanging walls of these.

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