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Resumen de El material científico y didáctico del Gabinete de Historia Natural del Instituto Nacional y Técnico de Alicante (actual I.E.S. Jorge Juan)

Carlos Lancis Sáez, José Francisco Baeza Carratalá, Mª Luz Galisteo Guerra

  • The Department of Biology and Geology of the I.E.S. Jorge Juan (Alicante), the only Institute of the province of Alicante during more than a century, counts between his heritage with an excellent scientific and didactic material, like the result of the different collections and instruments that have been compiled since his foundation, in 1845. One of the main authors of the existing collections was D. Daniel Jiménez de Cisneros y Hervás, who was professor of Natural History of the I.E.S. Jorge Juan during 30 years and his Director in several stages.

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