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Resumen de El arte como preludio de lo terrible

Federico Sagaspe

  • español

    El artista indaga los abismos, los límites de su existencia y, desde allí, procura traer al plano de lo decible sus anhelos, sus deseos, aquello que lo angustia, que lo horroriza. Entre esos límites que distingue e inquiere, descubre la posibilidad de morir como irrebasable; percepción que, en su cotidianeidad, se le oculta. La producción y la experiencia estética —liberadora del tiempo para algo en el que regularmente convivimos— otorgan al existente humano la viabilidad de develar su propia posibilidad de morir, su existencia como temporalidad; y, luego, revalorizar cada instante como único e irrepetible en la responsabilidad de tener que elegirse, invariablemente, en su ser hasta la muerte.

  • English

    The artist investigates the abysses, the limits of his existence, and, from there, he tries to bring to the plane of the sayable his desires, his desires, that which distresses him, that horrifies him. Between those limits that he perceives and inquires, he discovers the possibility of dying as irrebatable; which, in his daily life, is hidden from him.Production and aesthetic experience —liberating time for something in which we regularly live together— give the existing human the viability of revealing his own possibility of dying, his existence as a temporality; and then, revaluing each moment as unique and unrepeatable in responsibility of having to choose, invariably, in your being until death.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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