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Resumen de Evaluación de la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria en estudiantes de entre 12 y 19 años de Cádiz (España): desarrollo de una calculadora para estimar el esfuerzo y salud cardiovascular

Javier Lamoneda Prieto, Francisco Javier Huertas Delgado, Cristina Cadenas Sánchez

  • español

    La evaluación de la condición física tradicionalmente ha estado vinculada al paradigma de rendimiento, que ha orientado la calificación hacia la eficacia del estudiante. El presente estudio tiene como objeto analizar la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria en adolescentes de Cádiz (España). Además, este trabajo aporta una calculadora de rendimiento y esfuerzo para guiar la evaluación formativa de la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria y aportar orientaciones metodológicas para su aplicación en el ámbito escolar. Participaron 323 estudiantes de entre 12 y 19 años (Medad=14.68; ±1.75), 168 chicos (52%) y 155 chicas (48%). Se valoró la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria a través del test de 20 metros de ida y vuelta al que se le incorporó pistas de audio. Los participantes fueron monitorizados con un pulsómetro (ONrhythm 500) y respondieron a una escala de percepción de esfuerzo (Borg, escala 1-10). Los valores medios para las variables analizadas fueron: último estadío completado, 5.92 (±2.47); frecuencia cardíaca (FC) máxima, 198.02 (±0.71); diferencia entre la FC máxima teórica y real, -0.33 (±11.05); percepción de esfuerzo, 7.87 (±2.03). A partir de los resultados obtenidos se elaboró una calculadora para estimar el esfuerzo y orientar el análisis del rendimiento. Se espera que sea una herramienta útil para los profesores de Educación Física e investigadores para calcular el nivel de condición cardiorrespiratoria, estimar el esfuerzo y analizar el nivel de riesgo de padecer una enfermedad cardiovascular.===Physical fitness assessment has traditionally been linked to a performance paradigm, which has oriented the grades towards student effectiveness. The present study aims to analyze the cardiorespiratory capacity in adolescents from Cadiz (Spain). In addition this work provides a performance and effort tool to guide formative and shared assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness and to provide methodological guidance for its application in the school setting. Students. A total of 323 students between 12 and 19 years (mean age 14.68; ±1.75), 168 boys (52%) and 155 girls (48%). Cardiorespiratory capacity was assessed by an adaptation of the original 20-meter shuttle run test, which consisted on including music. Participants were monitored with a heart rate monitor (ONrhythm 500) and registered the Borg rating of perceived exertion scale (1-10). Mean values for the variables analyzed were: last completed stage, 5.92 (±2.47); maximum heart rate, 198.02 (±0.71); difference between theoretical and real maximum HR, -0.33 (±11.05); perception of effort, 7.87 (±2.03). Based on the results obtained, a calculator was developed to estimate effort and provide guidance in performance analysis. It is elaborated to be a useful tool for Physical Education teachers and researchers to assess cardiorespiratory fitness, estimate the effort and to analyze the risk of future cardiovascular disease.

  • English

    Physical fitness assessment has traditionally been linked to a performance paradigm, which has oriented the grades towards student effectiveness. The present study aims to analyze the cardiorespiratory capacity in adolescents from Cadiz (Spain). In addition this work provides a performance and effort tool to guide formative and shared assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness and to provide methodological guidance for its application in the school setting. Students.

    A total of 323 students between 12 and 19 years (mean age 14.68; ±1.75), 168 boys (52%) and 155 girls (48%). Cardiorespiratory capacity was assessed by an adaptation of the original 20-meter shuttle run test, which consisted on including music. Participants were monitored with a heart rate monitor (ONrhythm 500) and registered the Borg rating of perceived exertion scale (1-10). Mean values for the variables analyzed were: last completed stage, 5.92 (±2.47); maximum heart rate, 198.02 (±0.71); difference between theoretical and real maximum HR, -0.33 (±11.05);

    perception of effort, 7.87 (±2.03). Based on the results obtained, a calculator was developed to estimate effort and provide guidance in performance analysis. It is elaborated to be a useful tool for Physical Education teachers and researchers to assess cardiorespiratory fitness, estimate the effort and to analyze the risk of future cardiovascular disease.

Fundación Dialnet

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