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Resumen de You&Me (the infinite constellation of our senses)

Pedro Alves da Veiga

  • You&Me (the infinite constellation of our senses) is a gamified poetic interactive installation that relies on a pair of spectators/interactors facing a large size screen and a Kinect camera. Communication between both interactors is key to collaboratively evolve along seven different states, revealing parts of a hidden poem, “O Amigo” (The Friend), by Portuguese author Casimiro de Brito. You&Me was developed as a form of connecting people through direct, non-mediated contact. Processing 3.* is used for its calculation intensive coding, and to produce seamless, flowing real-time generated unique animations. The Kinect camera is used to identify the number of people and to perform gesture detection and recognition, while simultaneously evolving through different states, each of them identified by the real-time processing of specific image and sound databases. The installation consists of both a virtual space of constant audio-visual dynamics, where the sense of collaboration and accomplishment are reinforced, as well as a physical and performative space, where the remaining nonactive audience can observe the pair of interactors, cheering and commenting their evolution and progress, engaged in a collaborative gamified performance whose reward is a series of audio-visual poetic revelations.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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